
Открытие монументальной доски писателю Василию Гроссману

Opening of the memorial plaque in tribute to writer Vasily Grossman


“Life and destiny”, “The Hell of Treblinka”, “The Black Book” – in the creative work of a writer Vasily Grossman the theme of the Holocaust was among the central ones.

Интервью Независимой газете

Interview of sculptor Alexander Tsigal to Nezavisimaya Gazeta


Sculptor Alexander V. Tsigal was born on June 21, 1948 in Moscow. In 1971 he graduated from the higher art industrial school (former Stroganovskaya school)...

Московские скульпторы обещают голодать, пока им не вернут их Дом

Moscow sculptors promise to starve until they get their House back


Six representatives of “The Union of Moscow Sculptors” went on hunger-strike in attempt to defend the Moscow House of Sculptor.

Открытие памятника бездомным животным "Сочувствие"

Opening of the monument to homeless animals “Sympathy”


In the Moscow metro at “Mendeleevskaya” station there was established a monument by sculptor Alexander Tsigal devoted to humane treatment of homeless animals.