Was born on 21.06.1948 in Moscow. Lives and works in Moscow.
The academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (the Office of Sculpture, 2007), the member of the Presidium (since 2012), the academician-secretary of the Office of Sculpture (since 2012) the Russian Academy of Arts, the National Artist of Russian Federation (2014), the winner of Government of Moscow Сity Award in the field of literature and art, the winner of the Moscow, all-Russian and international competitions on monumental art. The member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Russia (1976). Graduated from Moscow Higher Art Industrial School (former Stroganov Art School) (1971), the department of the Monumental and Decorative Sculpture, the teachers: Yu.P. Pommer, A.P. Faidysh, Yu.A. Tur, A.N. Burganov A.N., G. A.Schulz.
The academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (the Office of Sculpture, 2007), the member of the Presidium (since 2012), the academician-secretary of the Office of Sculpture (since 2012) the Russian Academy of Arts, the National Artist of Russian Federation (2014), the winner of Government of Moscow Сity Award in the field of literature and art, the winner of the Moscow, all-Russian and international competitions on monumental art. The member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Russia (1976). Graduated from Moscow Higher Art Industrial School (former Stroganov Art School) (1971), the department of the Monumental and Decorative Sculpture, the teachers: Yu.P. Pommer, A.P. Faidysh, Yu.A. Tur, A.N. Burganov A.N., G. A.Schulz.
The head of the Creative Workshop of Sculpture of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow (with 2012).
Easel works are represented in the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), in many museums of Russia and in the foreign collections, for example, the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt (Germany).
The participant of the Moscow, all-Russian, foreign and international exhibitions (with 1969). Personal exhibitions (more than 20) took place in many cities of Russia and foreign countries (Germany, Norway, France).
Main works:
The monument to the public figure of V.V. Remizov
(2004, Nadym)
"Sympathy", the monumental sculptural composition
(2010, Moscow)
The relief to N.G. Chernyshevsky
(1983, in a crew cabin of the ship "Chernyshevsky")
The memorial monument to Mikhail Khmelnytsky
(2000, Moscow, Nikolo-Uspensky cemetery)
The memorial monument to the actress Lyubov Polishchuk
(2010, Moscow, Troyekurovskoye Cemetery)
The memorial board to the national artist of the USSR D. A. Shmarinov
(2015, Moscow)
The relief to N.A. Dobrolyubov
(1981, in a crew cabin of the ship "Dobrolyubov")
"Justice", the monumental sculptural composition
(2008, the main facade of the building of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Moscow)
"The gateway angels of East entrance", the recreated sculptural compositions " The Gateway Angels of East Entrance" for sculptural furniture of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow
(1994-1999, Moscow)
"Saint Georges the Victorious", the monumental sculptural composition
(in a co-authorship with V. E. Tsigal, 1998, a building dome of the Senate in the Moscow Kremlin)
The awards (departmental and others):
- Diploma of the Union of artists of the USSR (1974)
- Diploma of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1975)
- Diploma of the Union of artists of RSFSR (1975)
- The Winner of the Award of Lenin Komsomol (1978)
- The commemorative medal to a participant of construction of the residence of the President of the Russian Federation in the Moscow Kremlin (1996)
- The medal of the Reverend Sergey of Radonezh of the II degree of Russian Orthodox Church (2000)
- Gold medal of the Moscow Kremlin
- The commemorative medal of the Moscow international exhibition "Podium EXPO (2002, Moscow)"
- The award of the Moscow Union of Artists in the nomination "The Best Work of 2010" (2010, Moscow)
- Gold and silver medals, the medal "Worthy" of the Russian academy of Arts (2013)
- Gold medal of the Moscow Union of artists (2013)
- The award of the Academy of Arts of the USSR
- The certificate of honor of the Moscow City Council (2013)
- The gratitude of the Museum Association "Museums of Moscow"