
Российская Академия Художеств к 75-летию Александра Владимировича Цигаля

Russian Academy of Arts for the 75th anniversary of Alexander Vladimirovich Tsigal


On June 21, 2023, Alexander Vladimirovich Tsigal, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Sculpture and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, turns 75

Александр Цигаль. Юбилей


Мемориальная доска Дементия Шмаринова

A commemorative plaque in tribute to artist Dementy Shmarinov opens in Moscow


A memorial plaque in tribute to a people’s artist of the USSR Dementy Shmarinov was opened on Tuesday right on the house in Moscow where the artist lived

Скульптор Александр Цигаль: "Я – мишень, как Маркелов и Бабурова"
